Monday, April 20, 2009

Alighting with a Brunswick Part 3

A humbled Edward slumped into his hiding place, within the trees.
He tumbled into his normal perch, above the ground on a low branch.
He brushed back a few small branches to see his friend's nest of twigs.
"I hope you don't make as many mistakes as I have, when YOU come into the world."
He whimpered to the smallest of the eggs. He rested back into his old position of his branch,
and fell into a deep sorrowful sleep.

As the joyfilled trio of Daneil , Nick, and Peter tumbled into the fresh warm smell of the cottage, a small unknown row was in full force, in the rentroom above. A middle-aged man of 44 was frustrated with Perkins, the cat. He was working on a small box when the green-eyed creature flung itself onto his desk to catch a yarnball. The yarnball then twirled around the cat, and the box, winding the two together, in a tangled mob. It did not take the cat long to free itself, with it's retractable claws; but for Mr.Brunswick to get the box out was a different story. "Oh, that feind of a animal! What a nuisance!" Perkins answer with a supeirior whiff of his tail over Mr. Brunswick's nose. Which tickled his nose in such a way, that it made him sneeze. That was all Mr.Brunswick was going to take. "Out with you!" he cried, grabbing the cat. With one swift jesture, he opened the door and flung the cat into the hall. The cat landed perfectly on the ottoman. "The RASCAL!"said an angered Mr.Brunswick, trying to unwind the box from the yarn.
When he had found his composure, he used his pocket knife to slice the pieces off his box.
When his task was completed, he delicately placed his position on his desk. He then walked out the door to see Perkins on the ottoman, very still, very quiet. "Oh no!" Thought Mr.Brunswick. "Did I really throw him that hard?" He then wrapped the cat into his coat and decended quickly down the stairs. Just as Mr.Brunswicks' hand was on the doorknob of the back door, he heard a familiar, but unwanted voice. "Perkins! Here kitty,kitty,kitty!" whitsled Daneil. Mr.Brunswick felt his stomach turn.


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