Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blond...Verry Blond. part 2

"Yeah, I would like a extra large bag of popcorn, and a SUPER coke with that." Said the Rookie.

"That will be 4.50." Said a blond employee, with a wink. The Rookie took the popcorn and walked over to his compainoin. "Did you make contact?" Asked Tiger's Paw. "10-4."

Soon after a tall woman came and sat at the bench parilell to them. "Were you fallowed?"

She signaled.

"Meet us at the car." Signaled Tiger's Paw.

A half of an hour later, they met at the car.

"You got the disk?" asked Tiger's Paw. "Yes. Here. Let's go."

The drove off withought sound."AH! This wig is KILLING ME!" WIth a swipe of her hand the wig was back in the breifcase."Alright rookie, you have completed your first task. You need a new code name." Said Tiger's Paw. "Hmmm..." Thought Verry. "How about Right-mark?" After a few ideas, they settled on Rightmark. "So what is on the disk anyway?" Asked Rightmark.

"The only secrets a spy should know, are the ones he can handle." Said Tiger's Paw. They sat for a second. "You don't know yourself, do you?" Blond and Paw looked at each other a moment.

"I do admit, Paw :I don't know either. What is on this disk?" Said Verry. "Alright, this is top secret information about OUR goverment... this must only be said to the fewest people possible.

Well--" He was cut of in astonishment. "TURN!!" He shouted. In thier lane a black car was coming in a one way street. STRAIT FOR THEM!!


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