Friday, March 20, 2009

Alighting with a Brunswick Part 1

The dew was fresh and cool on a bright autumn morning.
The trees seemed like they were alive, enjoying the breeze and the rays of the warm sun.
The great pheonix fluttered in the wind, like a runaway kite.
"Take that!" Cried one of two young men whorling his sharpened stick to imitate a sword.
The other smarted back with a : "En guarde!" Pushing his stick through the current of the breeze. "En guard?" Questioned the one, with a inquisitive brow.
"I heard Sir Brunswick say it this morning in his rentroom. He is a very loud snorer, you know." Told the other with a smirk. "PETER! NICOLAS!" The boys shivered for the both knew who it was. "Greetings , Philis. I --" He was cut short of his half of his sentence. "Don't Phillis me! You know you are supposed to call John, MR.BRUNSWICK. Not SIR BRUNSWICK! He is just a gentleman now. Don't repeat his speech if you don't know what it means! Besides you must be back at 2:00 for your lessons," huffed Phillis. She wheeled on her heel and departed.
"Oh, bother!" Remarked Nick. "Sometimes I feel sorry for the man that will marry her."confessed Peter. "Not as sorry as you will be when I defeat you, Pete!" smarted Nick.

The fluttering pheonix descended on a crowded dogwood tree.
Not only did the tree hold a large nest full of the pheonix's chicks, but also the napping spot of a local younger boy. He was always finding his way into mishaps. His only friend the pheonix had been busy taking care of her chicks. Edward began stroking the great creature's feathers. Suddenly the bird perked up her head. Edward stopped to listen. He heard a row below and peeked over the dogwood's highest branch. He saw two figures fighting... FIGHTING WITH SWORDS! " I have to stop them, before one of them regrets it!" The excitement gave a start to him, which wiggled the tree. Before he knew it he was tumbling down the hill toward the swordsmen!


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